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Privacy Policy - Security and Data Usage
📧 Contact Information
Your contact information is held securely with us.
We do no not share, reused or sell contact information to third parties.
We do not hold account passwords and do not require your password.
Access to our software is provided via tokens.
📊 Business data
SplitAbility pushes all data back to your private account.
- A daily transaction journal holds all cleared data.
- The virtual "Ticket Spike" holds cleared tickets.
- Balancing data, "X" & "Z" reads are transferred on close off.
- Inventory data can be cleared or reset at any time.
- Staff login and logout times are logged to work-sheets.
🔐 Data Protection Mechanism for Sensitive Data
SplitAbility implements security procedures in order to protect users data.
- The default internet connection for the POS is via encrypted SSL.
- Google login is done over a secure connection with two factor authentication.
- Data access restriction are enforced to protect the confidentiality of your data.
- Regular backups are performed.
- No data is publicly accessible.

Google Drive and Spreadsheets
SplitAbility requires access to your Google Drive and Spreadsheets.
We require this in order to:
- Create folders and files in your drive account.
- Search for files and create spreadsheet.
- Read, search and load data from spreadsheets.
- Add data to daily transaction journal spreadsheets.
- Add works-sheets to spreadsheets.
- Add data to spreadsheet work-sheets.
📥 You're in full control of your data
SplitAbility users have full control over their own data.
- All Point of Sale data is owned by individual users.
- Users may remove all data from our systems at any time.
To use our software we require permission to access your Google drive and spreadsheets.
Menus, transaction journals, inventory, clock-in & clock-out times are held in these spreadsheets.
Users can revoke this access at any time,
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💼 Terms and Conditions